Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Planning Board Completes Public Hearing…but were they listening?

Many questions go unanswered…

At meetings held on September 14th and 21st, the Planning Board heard from concerned residents regarding the creation of an Industrial C Overlay District for SYSCO.

These meetings filled the Public Library meeting room to capacity. The meeting on the 14th allowed little more than one hour for questions, many of which were never directly answered but taken “under advisement” by the board. At the meeting on the 21st SYSCO brought with them two hired guns, a.k.a. consultants. The first spoke on the plan for storm water run off, and the other, an appraiser told the abutters and people who live in close proximity of this proposal not to worry about their property values, they may even go up!

Anyone who has been involved in these meetings and discussions knows…this is so much more than a zoning change. This is a change that will open the door into a very dangerous period for the town of Lakeville. We are truly at a fork in the road in terms of how our town will be developed. There will be no going back.

Do we throw away the hundreds of hours of hard work done by experts to develop our Master Plan?

Do we abandon our vision of appropriate development for Main Street in the northern part of town?

Do we open our doors to a company that has one of the largest carbon footprints imaginable?

Do we sacrifice our neighbors, their quality of life, and their financial future?

Do we forever change the very character of our town that made it so attractive for many of us to live here, raise our families here and call this home?

Do we loose our souls?

Do we do all this for the small gain in tax revenue that will be spent in town services to support this very development?

Nothing will be improved, and no one will enjoy a better quality of life. None of the challenges we face as a result of these difficult financial times will be overcome. There will be no net gain…for anyone, except possibly some self-absorbed selfish individuals willing to support this fiasco for some personal gain, in the shallow hope of feathering their nest in a business relationship.

So…Who’s right and who’s wrong?

The facts speak for themselves. I hope the citizens of Lakeville do their homework and show up for the test on October 18th at the Special Town Meeting.

The choice couldn’t be clearer…Be Heard…VOTE NO!


  1. Amen brother! The choice couldn't be clearer, keep the faith, the people of Lakeville will do the right thing.

  2. I believe that the planning board may be gaining something from this, slip of the hand if you will...

  3. Man you nailed it here! Let's hope this resonates with others. Much bigger than a simple zoning change.

  4. It seems as though the Town's Officials are really pushing this Sysco deal. I wonder why?

  5. For the best interest of the entire community and not just the 11 homeowners on Rush Pond Road please read the GUEST NEWS that I saw in SouthCoasttoday on Saturday...

    for those who are against the sysco project maybe you should move to South Boston and then complain about airport noise...did you really think the site would remain vacant?

    open your eyes and realize this may be the last chance we have to clean up the toxic chemicals on the property and have a responsible redevelopment of the site...

    it will be a heckuva lot better than a Target store and MUCH better than a 100 year old dilapidated, vacant mental institution.

  6. It sounds like an employee or friend is afraid of losing their job. I hope employees will be supported by neighbors, will neighbors be supported by employees?
    Why move? This is a great Town. Just find 80 acres in an industrial park, then everyone wins. The Town wins,Sysco wins and the neighbors win, everyone is happy.

    why is this our last and only chance? One of our selectmen have said this is the best retail frontage we have in Town, let's not give it away.
    Now Sysco wants to cap the landfill instead of removing the toxic chemicals. That means the chemicals continue to leach into the groundwater for people to drink. Middleboro is very concerned about this landfill as some beleive that is causing strange pockets of illness in Middleboro.
    Why not a Trader Joes or Whole Foods vs Target? Or a UMass campus or Senior Village?
    Well be sure to vote Oct. 18

  7. Why did Sysco pick Hospital site vs Lakeville Country Club. Could it be two of our selectpeople had a special and personal reason? Why did a former selectman resign just before Sysco news broke, maybe he knew something the public didn't know? Maybe he could make some BIG money? Conflict of interest is alive and well in Lakeville.

  8. It may sound old fashioned, but I hope every concerned citizen of Lakeville, will not forget the one who is just waiting to hear your prayer, who knows everyone's heart and wants to take charge as HE did with the Casino Steamroller. He loves us and cares about our home life. Let's all ask him to help. God Bless Lakeville

  9. Freetown will be adding 800 jobs without a TIF, without pollution and without traffic.

    channel 95 – LAKEVILLE

    View the LRRG Press Conference taped on 10-12-2010:

    Friday 10/15/2010 at 8:00pm.

    Saturday 10/16/2010 at 8:00pm.

    Sunday 10/17/2010 at 5:00pm.

    Monday 10/18/2010 at 10:00am.

    …and please don’t forget to attend the Special Town Meeting, Monday evening 10/18/2010.
