Friday, August 20, 2010

Citizens Group Formed


Who we are: A dedicated and diverse group of Lakeville property owners and town residents who have come together to provide feedback and opinion on matters concerning the towns long term development. Ultimately, we want to ensure that the next generation of Lakeville families enjoy the same quality of life enjoyed by previous generations.

Our Current Focus: Reviewing and working with all parties regarding the possible development of the former Lakeville Hospital property and the current proposal by SYSCO Boston.

Our Current Opinion on Development Proposal: We feel that SYSCO is a very respectable and well run company, and the opportunity for that distribution center to relocate in some town would be a positive development. Based on numerous factors that we have researched to date, we do not feel that the site chosen in Lakeville is right and in fact would be very detrimental and negatively change the character of our town forever.

How to Contact Us: Email We encourage participation from any Lakeville resident who would like to get involved with us and be part of our team. Please join us.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world..." -Gandhi


  1. I've been waiting for this...I'll be in touch! This is SOOO big it will distroy our town.

  2. Thank you for keeping us informed!

  3. I've added your RSS feed to my Blog Roundup site:

  4. News Flash: Lakeville traffic jam at MBTA station due to comuter traffic and school bus picking up students at new appartment complex. Oh my, cars and school buses don't mix, just wait till there are 150 Sysco tractor trailors and 75 vendor deliveries making two trips per day. Oh I forgot there are also 800 employee cars in and out. This is a nightmare.

  5. This is not a done deal.
    You have a say in the outcome.
    Please consider attending the Planning Board PUBLIC HEARING tonight, Tuesday 09/14/2010 Lakeville Library @ 8:15pm.

  6. For those who were not able to attend the 09/14/2010 Planning Board Public Hearing it is being aired on Comcast at 7PM on the following dates:
    09/15/2010 (tonight, Wednesday)
    09/16/2010 Thursday, and
    09/20/2010 Monday.

  7. It was an amazing meeting....Bill gave us some real money items to think much has changed since TIF.....

    channel 95 – LAKEVILLE

    View the LRRG Press Conference taped on 10-12-2010:

    Friday 10/15/2010 at 8:00pm.

    Saturday 10/16/2010 at 8:00pm.

    Sunday 10/17/2010 at 5:00pm.

    Monday 10/18/2010 at 10:00am.

    …and please don’t forget to attend the Special Town Meeting, Monday evening 10/18/2010.
