Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Planning Board Public Hearing Date Set

Through a series of three Planning Board meetings over the past couple of months a document to create an Industrial Overlay District for the hospital property to accommodate SYSCO has been developed.

The time line and process going forward will consist of one or two Planning Board “public hearings”, currently scheduled for September 14, and if needed a continuation on September 21. These meetings will be an opportunity for residents to voice their opinion of this rezoning and their position on the appropriateness of SYSCO on that property before Town Meeting. At the conclusion of these meetings the Planning Board will conduct an internal vote to approve or disapprove this article when it is presented at Town Meeting.

Town Meeting is scheduled for Monday October 18, and a vote will be taken to approve or disapprove this new Industrial-C Overlay District. If approved, another vote will be taken to approve or disapprove of changing the zoning of the hospital site, which is currently zoned under a Mixed Use Development District, to this new Industrial-C Overlay District.

In a nutshell this approach, to create an Overlay District, was taken on the advice of town counsel, and at the request of SYSCO, because both parties knew that this project could not go forward under our existing Industrial zoning by-laws. It is simply too big! Rather than force SYSCO to apply to the Board of Appeals for five or six variances, that could all be appealed if granted, this was the most expeditious route. In essence, throw out our existing Industrial Zoning Bylaws, in place to protect our residents, and create a nightmare Zoning District to accommodate SYSCO.

There are many significant differences between our current Industrial zoning bylaws and this Overlay District. Intensity Regulations, including lot coverage, building height, set back distances have all been changed. Existing Density Bonus calculations have been eliminated.

Not to be missed with discussion of the zoning legalese, is the practical matter of the largest food warehouse and trucking operation in New England being located on Main Street in Lakeville, adjacent to the most densely populated area of town, and its negative effect on our residents and the town.

Please plan to attend these meetings, voice your opinion and vote!


  1. Comcast (ch 95) air times for the 09/21/2010 Continuation of Public Hearing-Zoning Overlay for Sysco are:

    09/23/2010 7:00PM (Thursday)
    09/26/2010 7:00PM (Sunday)
    09/27/2010 7:00PM (Monday)

  2. UPDATE: Comcast (ch 95) had added a morning air time for the 09/21/2010 "Continuation of Public Hearing-Zoning Overlay for Sysco";
    09/28/2010 10:00AM (Tuesday).

    This is in addition to:
    09/26/2010 7:00PM (Sunday), and
    09/27/2010 7:00PM (Monday).
